
1. Publisher

1.1. Courses

Here you can create...


1.2. Repository

1.3. Authors

1.4. Partners

2. Audience

2.1. Students

Add a new student to your database by clicking the button “New Student” and adding his name and email.You can also

Add a csv file with many students to your students’ database. Click on the little icon (with 3 dots) and select the link “upload csv”.

This excel file should have two columns, where in the first line you need to have the words “email” and “name” and in the following lines your students’ information. Note: You can add a third column with a code to identify each student (e.g. ID, employee number).

2.2. Groups

You can also create a group, following these 3 steps:

In the left column click on the button “New Group”;

Insert the name and description of the group;

Select which student will belong to the group.

3. Training

4. Community

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